Divorce Pension Valuations

Divorces are a reality of life these days in many families. The good news is that only 3.6 out of 1,000 population end in divorce, on the average. But if it is your family, it can be devastating. And when a pension is involved, family law attorneys typically are at a loss for a value to place on them.

This is where we come in, having worked with courts, attorneys, and mediators on this subject for many years. The calculation can be detailed. We consider not only the terms of the employer’s plan, but a variety of assumptions involving financial and demographic factors independent of the plan. Our result is not only a lump sum number, but a professionally certified report outlining the steps we take, the method we use, and the assumptions we make. Sometimes the two parties share expenses and use our report, alone. In other instances each party engages its own actuary. Occasionally we appear in court to provide personal testimony.

If you would like to learn more, please refer to our practice area. We are also available for a telephone call.